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The Dunas Corporation

The Dunas Corporation is a conglomerate of several entities, including Dunas Records Entertainment, Slap Entertainment Inc,

Dunas Foundation Inc, and Dunas Gaming Enterprises. These entities operate in different industries, with Dunas Records Entertainment and Slap Entertainment Inc focusing on the entertainment industry, Dunas Foundation Inc engaging in charitable activities, and Dunas Gaming Enterprises being involved in the gaming sector. Despite their different areas of focus, all these companies fall under the umbrella of the Dunas Corporation, which oversees their operations and ensures they work together towards the corporation's overall goals.


Dunas Records Entertainment

Dunas Records Entertainment began as a small venture in a Las Vegas backyard, founded by a passionate music enthusiast with a deep love for Mexican regional music. The label's first group was signed in 2014, and from there, the company has grown to become a leading producer and promoter of this genre of music. With a focus on preserving the rich cultural heritage of Mexican regional music and providing a platform for talented artists, the label's team of producers, musicians, and promoters has worked tirelessly to establish Dunas Records Entertainment as a beloved brand for fans of Mexican regional music. Despite its humble beginnings, the company's dedication to producing high-quality music has earned it a reputation as a major player in the global music and entertainment scene.. 

Slap Entertainment Inc.

The Slap Entertainment Inc is a music label and entertainment company specializing in EDM (Electronic Dance Music). Founded with a mission to create and promote high-energy music experiences, the company has produced numerous successful EDM hits and organized unforgettable live performances. With a team of talented musicians, producers, and promoters, The Slap Entertainment Inc has established itself as a prominent player in the EDM scene, with a focus on delivering innovative, cutting-edge music that connects with fans on a deep, emotional level. Whether through its releases or its live events, The Slap Entertainment Inc is committed to pushing the boundaries of EDM and providing fans with a thrilling, unforgettable musical experience.



Dunas Foundation Inc is a non-profit organization with a mission to provide financial support to immigrants seeking to become legal residents. With a focus on supporting underserved communities, the foundation offers assistance with the costly process of obtaining legal status, including filing fees, legal consultations, and other related expenses. By helping immigrants navigate the complex legal system and obtain legal status, Dunas Foundation Inc aims to improve their quality of life and empower them to contribute fully to their communities. Through its work, the foundation seeks to promote social justice, equity, and inclusion for all individuals, regardless of their immigration status.

Dunas Gaming Enterprises

Dunas Gaming Enterprises is a gaming company that started by partnering with King Versami and has since grown to become a major player in the industry. The company is dedicated to developing and publishing high-quality video games across multiple platforms, with a focus on delivering engaging, immersive experiences for players. Through its partnership with King Versami, Dunas Gaming Enterprises has access to a wealth of expertise and resources, which has helped the company to expand its reach and develop innovative games that resonate with players. With a commitment to excellence and a focus on delivering cutting-edge gaming experiences, Dunas Gaming Enterprises is poised to continue growing and making a significant impact in the gaming industry.

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